
发布时间:2024-09-15 | 作者:乐鱼体育leyu

偷走3台病院装备?!一名医械发卖代表被捕2019-6-11 9:11:15 来历:芝加哥论坛报 浏览数:



法庭记实显示,芝加哥35岁的迈克尔·J·曼加诺(Michael J.Mangano)周三在苏必利尔湖(Lake Superior Court)被指控犯有偷盗罪,这是一项6级重罪,与上个月圣凯瑟琳病院掉踪的三个外科医疗装备有关。







former sales representative was captured on surveillance video taking 美金40,000 worth of surgical equipment from an East Chicago hospital, according to court records.

Michael J. Mangano, 35, of Chicago, was charged Wednesday in Lake Superior Court with theft, a level 6 felony, in connection with three surgical equipment units that went missing from St. Catherine Hospital last month, court records show.

On April 26, the director of surgical services reported that they couldn’t find the units in the hospital, a probable cause affidavit states. The director also said “that similar surgical equipment units had been stolen” from Community Hospital in��������leyu Munster, according to the affidavit.

The surgical units, which were valued at about 美金40,000, “are used for cauterizing during surgeries and are used everyday in their surgeries at the hospital,” the affidavit states.

Surveillance video showed Mangano, a former medical equipment sales representative, taking the three units from the hospital on April 20, according to the affidavit. At the time of the theft, he was wearing clothing “typically worn by sales representatives at the hospital,” the affidavit states.

A hospital staff member said she last saw Mangano at the hospital in 2018, according to the affidavit.. He “knew the location of the operating rooms and the operating room area,” the affidavit states. Mangano did not have permission to take the items, court records state.

An employee with a surgical and medical equipment supplier in Kentucky told police that “his business purchased one of the above stolen electrosurgical power units,” the affidavit states.

编纂:小黄 本文标签:医械发卖

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